Pack Creek Ranch
Welcome to a diamond in the rough! Pack Creek is boardered by Arches National park and Canyonlands National Park; an oasis of energy and peace. For centuries people have been visiting Pack Creek for it's water, temperature, and nature. The geology of the canyon is a tapestry of life; from petrified wood to uranium, obsidian and abundant wildlife. If you look closely you'll see millions of years of history unfold in front of your eyes. Native American's called this place home and aptly named Mount Tukuhnikivatz "Tuk" - translated as "Where the sun sets last", will leave you in awe and humbled. Enjoy our home and make memories with your loved ones.
It is not enough to understand the natural world, the point is to defend and preserve it.
~Edward Abbey
I prefer the saddle to the street car and the star sprinkled sky to a roof, the obscure and difficult trail, leading into the unknown, to any paved highway, and the deep peace of the wild to the discontent bred by cities.
~ Everett Ruess